Rosamond Gifford Zoo

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Membership Benefits:​

When every dollar counts, a zoo membership pays for itself in just a few visits. Become a member and you’ll see how the Rosamond Gifford Zoo is the best family entertainment value around!

​With your membership, you’ll enjoy unlimited zoo admission for a full year, savings on special ticketed events, birthday party packages, zoo camps, educational programs, and more.

Members Receive:


  • Exclusive, FREE Amur Tiger Cubs Member t-shirt with every order! Additional member t-shirts available for purchase

Membership Levels

Basic Level Memberships (starting at $45) 
  • Individual $45: One named adult
  • Dual $60: Choose one of the following at time of purchase: two named adults OR one named adult PLUS one guest
  • Family $77: Two named adults and their children or grandchildren between the ages of 3-18
  • Family +1 $93 BEST VALUE: Same as above PLUS one guest per visit

Friends Level Memberships (starting at $145)
  • Patron $145: All the benefits of a family membership, plus
    • 1 free guest per visit
    • 2 single-use guest passes
    • Friends level member exclusive gift
    • Recognition in the annual report
    • Invitation to exhibit previews
  • Supporting $265: All the benefits of a patron membership plus
    • 1 additional free guest per visit (2 guests total)
    • 2 additional single-use guest passes (4 passes total)
  • Sustaining $375: All the benefits of a supporting membership plus
    • 1 additional free guest per visit (3 guests total)
    • Docent led tour of the zoo 

Senior Level Memberships (For our members 62 and up)
  • Senior Dual $50: Choose one of the following at the time of purchase: two named adults OR one named adult PLUS one guest (at least one named adult must be age 62 or older)
  • Grandparent $67: Two named adults and children between the ages of 3-18 (At least one named adult must be age 62 or older)

Organization Membership ($145)
  • NEW! A membership opportunity for local organizations and their team members.

    An organization membership is the perfect way to say “thank you” to your staff for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Reward your team members with the many benefits of a zoo membership. Click here to learn more about this unique opportunity!

Premier Circle of Friends (starting at $500) 

Combine the best of a Rosamond Gifford Zoo membership with essential support to the zoo and its programs by joining Circle of Friends!

Circle of Friends members support the zoo and our animals while enjoying exclusive benefits, including all the privileges of membership plus VIP animal encounters, additional guests per visit and more. Click here to learn more.


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