Rosamond Gifford Zoo

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As a precautionary measure to protect our bird collection against the threat of Avian Influenza, birds at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo will be safely quarantined off exhibit.

Freeze These: Reusable Plastic Bags!

Don’t bag Reusable bags until you try them!

It’s not too late to jump into Plastic Free July with some more simple switches to make your lifestyle more sustainable! Everyone remembers having single-use plastic sandwich bags as a child -- they were probably a staple in your brown paper lunch bags. However, as we become more aware of single-use plastics and how they negatively affect our environment, many people are making the switch to environmentally friendly reusable bags. 

There are currently many different choices on the market with various forms and materials. Most are made of food-grade silicone like these made by Stasher, which are microwave, dishwasher and freezer safe!

These reusable bags can be used for a variety of purposes other than food, such as storage of travel supplies like toothbrushes and shampoo. Typically these products are very affordable and will pay for themselves in just a few uses! The next time you’re shopping for food storage solutions, consider reusable bags and save some money and the environment at the same time!

Learn more about Plastic Free July here:

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