Rosamond Gifford Zoo

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As a precautionary measure to protect our bird collection against the threat of Avian Influenza, birds at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo will be safely quarantined off exhibit.

How Do You Roll?


Americans are the largest consumers of toilet paper in the world. On average, one person uses over 100 rolls annually! Did you know the production of this multi-use tissue can be harmful to the environment? Would you consider trying a new brand of toilet paper if it was manufactured in a more sustainable way? These are the new items up for bathroom debate. 

Regular big brand toilet paper is a single-use paper product derived from logging more than a million acres of trees per year! These trees are often clear cut from the boreal forest in Canada, one of the world’s largest intact forests.This forest contributes positively to the environment by storing carbon dioxide to fight global warming. It’s a habitat to a wide variety of animals and is home to over 600 Indigenous communities. Harvesting trees from this forest has a great impact on people, animals and the environment. Additionally, the production of traditional plastic wrapped toilet paper uses a tremendous amount of water and bleach to process new trees into our favorite bathroom item. We can help by making the switch to more renewable choices!

Recently, companies have begun to make toilet tissue from recycled paper or bamboo. The methods used in these sustainable practices include less water usage, decreased plastic packaging, no harsh bleach, no fragrances or dyes, a reduction in carbon emissions AND some varieties are safe for low flow toilets. Products harvested from bamboo are also more eco-friendly because bamboo is the fastest growing plant and can be replenished quickly.


Making the switch to sustainable toilet paper may seem overwhelming. But “green” TP can still be affordable and deliver the soft, strong quality we enjoy but don’t like to talk about! Below are some helpful tips:

  • Purchase toilet paper that is wrapped in paper, NOT plastic. 
  • Look for brands that are made from recycled materials. 
  • Look for products that are unbleached. 
  • Try a variety made from bamboo. 

The National Resources Defense Council and have provided the following rating system to help you find sustainable choices. For more information on their rating system visit

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