West African Guinea Hog
The Guinea hog is a small, black breed of swine that is unique to the United States. This pig is native to west Africa but has been bred in the U.S. for many years.
Range & Habitat
In the Wild: Believed to originate in western Africa and now exist in many parts of the world in habitats ranging from deserts to mountains.
At the Zoo: Domestic Animal Barn.
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Listed as Threatened by the Livestock Conservancy. They are common as domesticated animals on farms; however, their populations are diminishing due to farmers preferring breeds that grow faster and larger.
In the Wild: Shrubs, weeds, bird eggs, snakes, grasshoppers, mice, roots, and tubers.
At the Zoo: Grains, hay, fruit, and vegetables.
Life Span
In Human Care: up to 20 years.
Fun Facts about the West African Guinea Hog
- Guinea hogs, like other pigs, cannot sweat. This is why they are often seen rolling around in mud. The mud keeps them cool and helps protect their skin from the sun.
- Hogs are intelligent animals that can be trained to sniff out specific items such as truffles. Due to their incredible sense of smell, hogs are being used today for drug-sniffing and bomb detection.
Guinea Hog. (2020). Retrieved May 26, 2020, from https://livestockconservancy.org/index.php/heritage/internal/guineahog
Guinea Hog. (2020). Retrieved May 26, 2020, from https://www.beardsleyzoo.org/guinea-hog.html
Guinea hog. (2020). Retrieved May 26, 2020, from https://www.zoonewengland.org/franklin-park-zoo/our-animals/mammals/hoofed/guinea-hog/