Rosamond Gifford Zoo

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As a precautionary measure to protect our bird collection against the threat of Avian Influenza, birds at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo will be safely quarantined off exhibit.

Sichuan Takin

Budorca taxicolor

The Sichuan takin is a stocky, large-bodied, cow-like animal with eyes high on its large head under crescent-shaped horns. They inhabit the Eastern Himalayas in dense thickets and bamboo groves, in family groups of up to 30 individuals.

Range & Habitat

In the Wild: Rugged and remote mountainous terrain in Eastern Himalayas. Takin inhabit the same dense bamboo forests as the better-known giant panda. 

At the Zoo: Wildlife Trail

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Hunting and habitat loss are among the factors that impact Takin.


In the Wild: variety of grasses, herbs, bamboo shoots, leaves of shrubs and trees and many kinds of alpine and deciduous plants and evergreens.

At the Zoo: Specialized grain, hay, browse as well as some fruits and vegetables for training and enrichment.

Life Span

In the Wild: 16-18 years. In Human Care – More than 20 years.

Fun Facts about the Sichuan Takin

  • The inaccessibility of the takin’s mountainous habitat by humans means that there is little information on this species’ behavior and ecology.
  • Takin sleep with their front legs outstretched and their heads down—like dogs!


Tibet Nature Environmental Conservation Network, Takin. Referenced June 2017.

The Animal Facts, Sichuan Takin. Referenced June 2017.

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Sichuan Takin. Referenced June 2017.

San Diego Zoo, fact sheets. Sichuan Takin. Referenced June 2017.

Updated June 13, 2023
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