Rosamond Gifford Zoo

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As a precautionary measure to protect our bird collection against the threat of Avian Influenza, birds at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo will be safely quarantined off exhibit.

Dragons to Descend on the Rosamond Gifford Zoo

Friends of the Zoo announce an exciting new seasonal exhibit for 2024!

Next year will truly be “the year of the dragon” at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo when, awoken from April’s solar eclipse, dragons descend on the zoo and begin their reign.

Dragons Reign! will bring massive, animatronic dragons to the zoo from Memorial Weekend through Halloween. Zoo guests will encounter 10 magnificent “species” of dragon on exhibit as they explore the zoo. The dragon installations vary in size from five to 20 feet tall.

“Dragons Reign! will be an incredible experience for our guests, providing great entertainment and inspiring the imagination,” said Carrie Large, executive director of Friends of the Zoo. “Dragon mythology is prevalent in many cultures – past and present – around the world, and these dragons reflect both the commonality and diversity of global cultures.”

Some of the dragons are inspired by different cultures or regions; a Chinese Dragon pays homage to the Zodiac calendar, a pterodactyl-like species called a Quetzalcoatl references the feathered-serpent god of Mesoamerican mythos and folklore, and a Manticore dragon draws on Persian legends. A Wyvern represents the monsters of Anglo-French folklore, while the Western Dragon epitomizes the iconic, classic dragon prominent in Western media.

Friends of the Zoo plan to host a number of fun-filled themed activities and special events throughout the dragons’ reign.

The Dragons Reign! exhibit is free with paid zoo admission; zoo members receive free admission. Those who plan to be frequent visitors to the zoo during the reign of the dragons are encouraged to purchase a zoo membership by visiting our website. 

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