Rosamond Gifford Zoo

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As a precautionary measure to protect our bird collection against the threat of Avian Influenza, birds at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo will be safely quarantined off exhibit.

Giant African Millipede

Archispirostreptus gigas

The giant African millipede is the largest species of millipede, growing up to 13 inches long and 2.5 inches around - and they have 300 to 400 legs. Often confused with insects, they are actually arthropods, relatives of shrimp and crabs.

Range & Habitat

Rainforests of subtropical western Africa. They prefer dark, hollow spaces under rotting roots.

Conservation Status: Common, Not Endangered


In the Wild: Decaying roots seeds and logs.

In Human Care: A variety of fruit and vegetables.

Life Span

5 to 7 years

Fun Facts about the Giant African Millipede

  •  Giant african Millipedes can smell AND taste with all of their body parts!
  •  This millipede is nocturnal, meaning it is active at night.
  •  Millipedes have four legs for each body segment while centipedes have only two.



San Diego Zoo. Giant African Millipede. Accessed 2/18/2021

Oregon Zoo. Giant African millipede. Accessed 1/18/2021

Updated June 13, 2023
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