Rosamond Gifford Zoo

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As a precautionary measure to protect our bird collection against the threat of Avian Influenza, birds at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo will be safely quarantined off exhibit.

Taveta Golden Weaver

Ploceus castaneiceps

The Taveta golden weaver is similar to its relative the African golden-weaver but with black eyes. Named for a town in Kenya, they have a restricted range within southeastern Kenya and northeastern Tanzania but are common within their range.
Breeding male is rich yellow with darker orange patches on the breast and the rear part of the crown. The female is dark on the back and buffy yellowish below with a pale base to the bill.

Range & Habitat

Open woodland, forests, savannas and wetlands of Eastern Africa, from Kenya to Tanzania

Conservation Status: Least Concern


In the Wild – seeds, grasses and insects.

At the Zoo – seeds, insects

Life Span

In the Wild: 10 years

In Human Care: up to 20 years

Fun Facts about the Taveta Golden Weaver

·         Males use their strong claws and bill to weave elaborate nests from long strands of grass. Females will choose a male to mate with based on the nest he has built and will line the inside with grass before laying two to three olive green eggs.

·         Although they are classified as songbirds, taveta weavers are very noisy, but their calls are often harsh rather than melodious.


Birds of the World, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, e-bird,

Conservation Society of California, Oakland Zoo,

Detroit Zoo, Taveta Golden Weaver,



Updated June 13, 2023
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