Rosamond Gifford Zoo

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As a precautionary measure to protect our bird collection against the threat of Avian Influenza, birds at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo will be safely quarantined off exhibit.

Watermelon Mushroom Coral

Ricordea yuma

The Watermelon Mushroom coral, also known as the Knobby False coral, can grow up to 3 inches. It can be seen in a variety of bright or fluorescent colors. Each body part can be a different color.

Range & Habitat

Indo-Pacific ocean reefs.

Conservation Status: Not Evaluated

Its primary threats are fishing, commercial/residential development, invasive species and diseases.


In the wild - They get nutrition from symbiotic algae, zooxanthellae, which dwells within their tissues; and feed on small particulates in the water column.

At the Zoo - Brine shrimp, fish flakes.

Life Span

In the wild: 10 years+
In human care: Unknown

Fun Facts about the Watermelon Mushroom Coral

• This coral has one mouth opening that is round and has warts on it. The tentacles around the margin of the mushroom can be longer to aid in grabbing food.

• It’s a semi-aggressive species if near or touching another coral. They do not have a potent sting, but direct contact with another coral will cause damage.    .

• Coral reproduce in four different ways. The first three ways are asexual budding, laceration, and division/fission. The fourth way is through sexual reproduction where eggs and sperm are released into the water column.


Animal-World. (1998-2020) Knobby False Coral, Watermelon Coral, Ricordea Mushroom Coral, Yuma Pacific Ricordea Coral, Ricordea, Stubby Anemone. Retrieved January 5, 2022.

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. (2022) Coral, Common Mushroom. Retrieved January 5, 2022.

Updated June 13, 2023
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